Madonna's career: 2012
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For the first time in her career, Madonna condences an entire era into one single year. The MDNA era is kicked off by her performance at the Super Bowl Halftime Show, followed by the releases of the first 2 singles and the album. Immediately after, she also announces her MDNA Tour, which kicks off in May and runs for the rest of the year. Boyfriend Brahim Zaibat is one of the dancers on tour and so is son Rocco, while daughter Lola helps backstage in the costume department.
Albums released in 2012
MDNA (March 2012)
Singles released in 2012
Tours & Performances in 2012

(May - Dec. 2012)

(Feb. 2012)
Movies released in 2012
W.E. (Jan./March 2012)
Awards & Nominations in 2012
Academy Awards:
Nomination for Best Costume Design (W.E. - Arianne Phillips)
Billboard Touring Awards:
Nomination for Top Tour (highest-grossing) (MDNA Tour)
Nomination for Concert Marketing and Promotion Award (MDNA Tour)
Golden Globe Awards:
Award for Best Original Song (Masterpiece)
Nomination for Best Original Score (W.E. - Abel Korzeniowski)
Guinness World Records:
Most Number-one Albums in the UK charts
Largest TV audience Super Bowl in history (114 million viewers)
Pollstar Awards:
Nomination for Most Creative Stage Production (MDNA Tour)
Pictures of 2012
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